Too Hot toTrot

Too Hot toTrot

End-of-season party

June 29 - July 5, 2011

The fancy dress final of the Dilmun Show Jumping League for this season was staged on Friday and, according to stable manager ‘Gypsy Rose Lee’ Lisa Powick, it was the best fun yet!
The costumes were amazing, reducing the tension for all the competitors and making the atmosphere very relaxed.
Peachey Ihalainen’s fairy costume was so good it won her a free riding lesson. A special mention must also go to Rangerino for the ‘Raver’ look Amelia Boyd gave her.
The afternoon’s start time was delayed due to the temperature, though no-one seemed to mind. “I don’t think we stopped laughing all day,” said Lisa.


June 29 - July 5, 2011

DESPITE the league nearing its end, the valiant teams continue to play hard in the hope of securing more points for the final countdown. Last week’s fixtures featured the unbeaten Arsenal Yellow against the ever-improving St Christopher’s Intermediate Girls and the Desert Divas versus Arsenal Red.