A contribution from Dick’s World reporter-at-large, the Blond Bomber
● Whoops! There goes another one.
Well, I suppose I should not have tempted fate! The gymnastic story continues. Always one to take up a challenge Mrs KK, on return from an illicit visit to the roof gardens, managed to pull off an attempt at the triple toe loop (without tuck).
Unfortunately, the full judging panel were not present to assess the merits of this manoeuvre so a very benevolent 5.8 has been awarded ‘in absentia’. Fortunately, the Salmaniya medical team was not required on this occasion. Eye witness reports stated that the likely cause of this particularly un-Romanian dismount was the blinding effects of sunlight, Nine West high heels and the rather divergent surroundings of a dimly lit stairway that showed no sympathy for the solar-impaired vision.
What an accident-prone bunch we all are! The hat-trick has been completed and hopefully the doors of this acrobatic catalogue firmly shut…. Without trapping a finger!