Marie Claire

It sucks to be Paris

June 13 - 19, 2007
Gulf Weekly It sucks to be Paris

I NEVER thought I’d say it but … poor Paris Hilton! I’m pretty sure I was one of the very first people to jump on the lock-up-Paris-bandwagon and was certainly very vocal about my thoughts when it was announced her sentence had been halved for good behaviour before she’d even started her incarceration.

I don’t mind admitting I had a good old rant to any poor unsuspecting soul who would listen when I heard she’d been released to house arrest, after serving just three days under the cushiest incarceration scenario imaginable.
But, I have to admit, I do feel just the tiniest bit of sympathy for her now that she’s been re-arrested, hand-cuffed and carted back to jail to serve the entirety of her original sentence.
It seems a little over the top to handcuff her like a common criminal when she had just been told she could go home. Talk about teasing!
I still stand by the fact that being a celebrity and worth millions shouldn’t earn her any favours in the eyes of the law but if the sheriff that released her is to be believed, and your average you and me would simply be under house arrest, then it would be churlish of me not to concede that just because she is rich and famous she should be penalised more than anyone else.

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