Womanspeak is a female-to-male dictionary, aimed at enlightening the male population on what a woman means when she says…
‘Oh’ as a lead-in to a sentence
When a woman uses the word ‘oh’ as the lead-in to a sentence you know you’re in trouble and should duck and run as fast as you can.
It usually means you have been caught out in a lie. For example: “oh, I spoke to my friend Kate and she says she saw you at the bar last night, not at work like you said.”
Don’t try to lie again to get out of your earlier lie as this will only aggravate the situation. Accept you’re in trouble and confess to your dirty deed. She will doubtlessly rant on for a while then not talk to you for a day or two. Apology gifts will not be accepted gratefully but should be given anyway. Unless your crime was particularly dastardly she will eventually get bored of being moody and all will be well.