Business Weekly

Achievements of Alba hailed

December 2008

Aluminum Bahrain (Alba) earned high praise from the Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Defence, Christian Schmidt, for its outstanding reputation in terms of safety and environment protection programmes among aluminum smelters around the world.

During his visit to Alba, accompanied by German delegation members, Mr Schmidt said: "Applying safety rules and procedures at work, uncompromising commitment to environment protection, and outstanding production quality makes Alba one of the most outstanding smelters in the world and an example of success for companies in the international aluminum sector to follow."

An Alba official said: "This visit is part of Alba's official visits programme organised throughout the year to showcase its excellent reputation both locally and internationally.

"The Federal Republic of Germany is one of Alba's shareholders represented by Breton Investments Company. We look forward to expanding our commercial co-operation with Germany as it has a strategic location in the middle of Europe."

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