
Write to the editor

September 25 - October 1, 2013
Gulf Weekly Write to the editor

Based on the peace and compassion workshops we held earlier this year, which were facilitated by World Economic Forum Social Entrepreneur of the year, Mary Anne Muller, the Bahrain Foundation for Reconciliation & Civil Discourse (BFRCD) will be hosting a peace and compassion book study group.

The book, A Change of Heart, aims to nurture peace and compassion from within; in order to be able to affect peace in our external environments we must first cultivate peace inwardly.

The study group is intended to stimulate thought, reflection and discussion. However, it will be a personal development journey. In other words, there will be no advice-giving, preaching or judging.

Those who are interested in taking this journey should contact leena@bfrcd.org so that we can order a copy of the book for you. Logistics, time and frequency of meetings will be determined based on interested parties.

Leena Al Olaimy,
Board Secretary,

When journalists write about fashion, most of the time, it’s not relevant for average readers with an average fashion taste and budget. But while reading Camille Jones’ articles, we can actually feel that there is real research that goes into her work. She makes things easy for busy ladies by advising us where to go and where to find the best product at the best price.

As a busy working woman, I find it helpful and relevant. Plus, what a pleasure to just have to drop by the mall knowing that the items she wrote about are there, at the same price she mentioned.

I love the flair, style and trend this section brings to GulfWeekly. It just makes it more appealing and useful than it is already.

And at my office, we all eagerly wait for Wednesday to come so we can read Camille Jones’ article, then we spend our lunch break at the mall.

Zeina, by email.

With reference to the story in last week about my fund-raising efforts to support Rebecca Jones in her struggle to bring her son Adam back to Bahrain.

I have created a ‘donations link’ to my Paypal account so people can donate using credit/debit cards or transfer funds from their bank accounts.


I really appreciate your help in getting the word out.

Dominic Miles, Bahrain.

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