Local News

Pete unlocks his passion

March 21 - 27, 2018
Gulf Weekly Pete unlocks his passion

Gulf Weekly Stan Szecowka
By Stan Szecowka

ONE of Bahrain’s favourite expat artists Peter W Rushton’s latest exhibition opens today … his first since he took up his brushes full-time.

Titled Rhythm of Life, the show staged at the In Touch Clinic gallery in Saar will feature several new works of art alongside some of his earlier pieces.

Peter, 60, who lives in Barbar, made the headlines when he mastered using his left hand to sketch and paint a new collection for an exhibition just five weeks after leaving hospital after suffering a stroke which mainly affected one side of his body and speech.

“Since retiring from the corporate world in Bahrain I have been given the opportunity to focus on a passion for art, which I have had since I was 14-years-old, to creatively master what life has to offer and depict it in a way that I feel appropriate,” he explained.

“I am back to using my right hand again, although I still can’t feel the tips of my fingers which means it’s difficult for me when it comes to fine motor skills such as tying up my shoe laces or fastening my buttons. However, I have adapted my painting skills accordingly, including down to how I hold the paintbrush and using more of a visualisation technique.”

Peter is married to Julia, a marketing strategist, and they have a son, Digby, 15.

Peter comes from the Welsh city of Swansea, has been in Bahrain for 18 years and originally came out to join a newly-formed advertising and marketing agency as creative director. He had staged successful art shows in the UK before his move to the Middle East after studying Industrial & Fine Art at university.

Under the theme of Rhythm of Life, there are three paintings in particular that he wants visitors to enjoy.

“I am very proud of the result,” he said. “I believe that they follow a sequence of my life in Bahrain since I started focusing on visualising and painting. They are ‘Love’, ‘The Beach’ and the ‘Art of Maturity’.

“Love, because we have been in Bahrain for so many years and we have bonded with the country. Even when we go back back to the UK, there is something missing there which I am unable to explain.

“Perhaps it’s captured in the old cultural Bahraini doorways which I see every day in the villages that have backgrounds of paint peeling with age. The padlocked doors indicate to me the love that I have for the country and the bond I get by sealing the doors together.

“The Beach is something that I adore and is part of my upbringing having been born in South Wales. I tend to visit the beach in Bahrain every day with my two dogs. We are an island and we see boats on a daily basis, from dhows to more modern vessels.

“The Art of Maturity, is something that I’m now proud to have. Not only because of my age and having 40 years of professional working behind me, but I am now coming up to nearly four years of stroke recovery. It is like a slightly worn hinge reflecting what was and what is. It may have a bit of rust, but it still works really well. I guess it is similar to my aphasia which I am dealing with on a daily basis.”

Peter’s Rhythm of Life Exhibition runs until April 30 and all the creations will be on sale priced from BD100 to more than BD1,000, with a percentage of all sales being donated to the Stroke Association. He hopes the art show result in new commissions.

For more information check out his Instagram account @peter.rushton.artist.


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