Local News

Helping hand for 'lonely' hubbies

August 13 - 19, 2008

THE summer months are the time when families traditionally head back to Blighty leaving many's a dad home alone and, potentially, very hungry.

But that's not something that troubles the patrons of the Dilmun Club in Saar.

Several years ago acting general manager Murthy Iyer came up with the idea of a special Home Alone menu for July and August after one of his regulars suggested doing something to help the husbands left behind when their families go off for the holidays.

He said: "It's traditional here that the families go away during the school holiday months but the husbands usually stay for most of that time for work so we decided to offer a special menu, something a bit different to our usual things.

"Lots of the husbands like to come here to have a meal and a pint and a chat without having to worry about shopping or cooking or doing the washing up.

"It's been running for several years now and is very popular."

The Home Alone menu offers traditional options such as half a pizza or burger and fries or more exotic fare such as grilled lambs liver with orange sauce served with garlic mash and sautŽed onions or baked hammour with spinach and penne pasta in a cream sauce.

Regular diner Terry Churchill, 46, is staying on the island throughout the summer to run his own logistics company TCL.

Wife Gina, 44, and their three children Holly, 16, Stephanie, 13, and eight-year-old Daniel went back to England a week ago and are also planning a trip to the USA.

In all they will be away for seven weeks and Terry is missing them already but the fine food and good company at the Dilmun Club are helping to ease his woes.

The Londoner, who has been in Bahrain eight years, said: "It's great to know you can just get home from work and come here for a good meal, a beer and a chat.

"My family have only been gone a week but I do miss them so I really appreciate coming here and being able to have a fresh cooked family meal even when the family's not here."

Murthy added: "It's quite funny, some of the wives even get a bit homesick for Bahrain when their husbands phone and tell them 'I'm just tucking into pie and mash at the Dilly'."

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