Local News

Seafood treats on the platter

August 13 - 19, 2008

TO help take the heat out of August, Novotel has launched a cool seafood dining experience.

The superbly placed resort offers the opportunity of beachside dining in its high quality restaurant from just BD6 per person.

The extravagant Triple S - Savoury Summer Seafood - promotion is running at La Perle Restaurant every evening throughout August with a selection of seafood, barbecue options, appetisers and deserts all prepared to La Perle's recognised high standards.

Guests can even enjoy a seafood barbecue by the sea inspired by Bahrain's ancient cultures and fishing traditions.

To finish off there are deserts while you are serenaded by a live performer.

For more information or to book call 17298008 ext 76801 or hotline 3960434 or email fnb@novotel-bahrain.com.

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