Local News

Cherish the life you have

September 3 - 9, 2008

Let me suggest to you a scenario if I may. A family enjoying their vacation peacefully. Father and mother both taking pleasure from a yacht ride through the waters of the Red Sea, children running up and down the decks without a care in the world.

Suddenly the boat reaches shore and all the passengers must disembark. Some rude person is in a rush and shoves a boy waiting his turn to cross over from the boat to the marina side. The boy slips and notices that the yacht's turbine engine is still running and letting go of the boat would mean instant death.

Luckily the boy escapes with just a bleeding arm, from a brush against cut wood and sharp nails, and bruises all over his side and back.

It is indeed sad that many freak accidents occur during holidays abroad when careful attention is not paid. I am sad to inform you my readers that the boy in the previous scenario was me.

I experienced this incident in which I had to react instantly without hesitation and paid careful attention to what I should do to save myself. Let go of the board and risk the amputation of both my legs or hold on for help and risk a bruised and bleeding hand. Luckily I survived this incident which could easily have been a tragedy in itself.

I do not know about any of you but knowing me one should realise that I am a somewhat spiritual person who believes something up there was saving me and guiding me through all this.

I thank Allah for giving me a second chance in life helping me realise that life is too short to make haste of it.

I do not blame the man for misguiding his actions but I request that we all take good care of ourselves and others around us in similar situations.

All in all, a well spent vacation on the coast of Egypt helped me prepare and relax my mind before heading into another eventful academic year.

Ramadan Kareem to all!

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