Local News

New music video stars

September 3 - 9, 2008
Gulf Weekly New music video stars

A GROUP of young Bahrainis have taken part in a music video which could be shown across the United States.

The young people, all in their early 20s, are either working or studying various subjects, from economics to marketing at Ahlia University.

And they jumped at the chance to get involved when filmmaker Art Thomas contacted the university about the project.

Mr Thomas said: "The video goes with a remake of the 80s' song Everybody Wants to Rule the World by US artist K Son.

"The producers wanted an international feel with a team from Japan and others from Singapore and they said they would like to get some young people from the Middle East involved too."

Mr Thomas already had connections with Ahlia University having previously made a documentary there about successful Arab women.

He said: "I was in Dubai when they contacted me but when I got back to Bahrain I put out feelers among some of the students and faculty and there were plenty of people willing to take part even including one professor.

"We wanted to show young people enjoying themselves and having a good time.

"We got together in the production centre at the university and, once we received the sound track, we got to work and produced some rough footage which we sent across to America to be added into the video.

"I had them singing the refrain from the song - Everybody Wants to Rule the World - though their voices won't actually appear on the final video.

"Our segment will give audiences a wholesome glimpse of young Arabs doing the same as young Americans strive to do, enjoying life."

Sara Khalid was one of those who took part.

Sara, who works in advertising, said: "It was a great experience. I heard about it through a friend and was really keen to get involved.

"We did a lot of practising both together and at home, wherever we could really because we were all busy either working or studying, then we got the call to get together at the studio and do the recording.

"It was great fun and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I haven't done anything like this before but I would certainly be interested in doing it again."

Accounting student Hussain Al Aradi, 18, added: "It was a new idea, this was a first time for me... maybe for Bahrain too. I heard about it from my friends, they told me it was something that was going to be on television so I was happy to be involved and I really enjoyed myself."

Others involved in front of the camera were Sawsan Sabra, who also did make-up for her friends and colleagues, Salman Al Mulla, Ahmed Janahi, Bedoor Ahmadi, Abdulaziz Alawadhi, Mohamed Jameel and Fatima Mussayab.

And behind the scenes were Art Thomas, Mazen Malas, A Sunitha David, Oday AJ Hubail, Prsanth Sam and Maryam Almahdi.

The main video for the song was shot at Mile High City, Denver, US, and Everybody Wants to Rule the World comes from artist K Son's first solo album Now and Forever.

Mr Thomas said: "For those who remember the original I think they will find this a more contemporary version of the song and the involvement of young people from around the world in the video sends a good message."

The song was played on local radio station KUVO 89.3FM in Denver within hours of the video being finished and there are now hopes it could go on to much wider recognition.

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