Local News

Adam custody battle on DVD

January 6 - 12, 2010

Rick Beeman, a former award-winning Hollywood director and general manager of leading Bahrain digital photography company KSDi, has produced a DVD about the ongoing custody battle surrounding 10-year-old St Christopher's School pupil Adam Jones.

The 30-minute documentary film charts British expat Rebecca Jones' relationship with her late Qatari ex-husband, Jamal Al Madhaiki, Adam's birth at Awali hospital on May 31, 1999, his happy childhood in Bahrain, Adam and Rebecca's tender loving relationship, how Rebecca was tricked into signing Arabic legal documents, the family's refusal to return Adam back to her after a visit to the Al Madhaiki family home in Qatar, Rebecca's ordeal with the Qatari legal system, her ongoing custody battle and Adam's incarceration at his uncle's home.

Mr Beeman said: "KSDi is helping to raise awareness of the Jones' family plight. We think that by producing this DVD we are best using our services to help Rebecca bring Adam back to Bahrain.

"It is good to have sympathy for a cause but you need to give people a tool to act on. We are going to exploit the DVD the best way we can by making it available to a wide audience. We are planning to post it online on You Tube, the Bring Adam Home website and are also looking into sending it to a local television channel.

"The DVD is filmed in Rebecca's home in Bahrain and is complete with her interview, photographs of Adam and a music video at the end," he added.

The 'Return Adam to his family in Bahrain' campaign group has a strong presence on the Facebook social networking site. It has amassed nearly 10,000 supporters.

A GulfWeekly front page petition was recently hand-delivered to 10 Downing Street by Editor Stan Szecowka urging for diplomatic support for the family. Discussions are ongoing at KSDi about effective distribution of the DVD and the management plans to keep the family's wishes as its priority.

Mr Beeman has worked in Hollywood for 10 years writing, producing and directing various film and television works such as biographies on Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Eva Peron and Charlton Heston alongside numerous other documentary projects, which have aired all over the world.

The legal battle surrounding Adam took a new turn when at a custody appeal hearing the Qatari judge told the courtroom that he could not continue because of his personal relationship with the child's uncle, Fahad Al Madhaiki. The case has been transferred to another judge and the hearing is set to be heard on January 17. Earlier the courts in Qatar granted custody to Adam's ailing 77-year-old grandmother, Mariam Al Madhaiki.

Rebecca, 43, who is now married to Barrie and also has a daughter, Alex, four, has stayed in Qatar since Adam was snatched away from her in October during a visit to her late ex-husband's family.

She says that she enjoyed a trusting relationship with the family and neither Jamal, when he was alive, nor any of his family members, ever raised questions about his upbringing. Rebecca said: "There was absolutely no question of custody as Jamal saw and knew how loved and cherished Adam was in my care. He visited Adam several times in Bahrain till his death in a motorbike accident in 2005 and his family members visited Adam."

The court case and Rebecca's separation from her family in Bahrain is taking a toll both financially and emotionally.

At present Rebecca is allowed by the Qatari court to meet Adam twice a week at his uncle's home. She says that Adam, who suffers from a mild form of learning disability Dyspraxia, is not allowed to go outside or attend school.

Rebecca, who professed earlier that she has reached 'a very low point', is adamant that she will continue her battle to win Adam's custody and bring him back home.

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