
Dixon duo tee their way to three-way tie in Monday Madness

January 20 - 26, 2010

The latest winners of the Johnnie Walker Monday Madness League, Phil and Julie Dixon, joined a three-way tie at the top of the competition after clinching the pairs scramble competition with a score of net 26.

The husband and wife team are tied with Rob and Debbie Lane and Alan Baird and Yaver Rashid, all sitting at the top of the Order of Merit with five points apiece.

Over 40 golfers took part in the second round of the league being held at the Royal Golf Club every Monday evening. BMMI and Johnnie Walker representative Richard Wilkinson played alongside the competitors and presented prizes to the winners.

The night golf league is open to non-members at BD20 per night for the 9-hole event. To register, contact Michael Imperial on

Week 2 results: 1. Phil & Julie Dixon (26 net), 2. Derek Wilkinson & Chris Igaya (28 net), 3. Rob & Debbie Lane (30 net c/b), 4. Dena Wales & Olive Wagstaff (30 net), 5. Jeff & Val Wright (31 net c/b).

Nearest the pins - Dena Wales (12th hole) & Debbie Lane (16th).

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