
Magnificent Liron is all set for action

January 20 - 26, 2010

This week at the Twin Palms Dressage Show we will see the return of Britta Tappendorf and her wonderful Andalusian stallion Liron to perform the Elementary and Medium tests.

Britta has been practicing with Liron and I thought it would be interesting to go along and meet him at 'home'.

Andalusians also known as the Horse of Kings (or the Pure Spanish Horse) is a breed developed in the Iberian Peninsula, very similar to its close relation, the Lusitano.

Andalusians are strongly built, compact yet elegant, with long thick manes and tails. Liron epitomises these characteristics.

These horses are known for their intelligence, sensitivity and docility. However, named by Britta as the 'naughty nibbler' they also like to have fun.

Andalusians are used for many equestrian activities, dressage, show jumping and driving and they are used extensively in movies, especially historical pictures and fantasy epics, typifying the majesty of the horse.

Well, it's unlikely that Britta will be using Liron for movies here in Bahrain. Liron is going to be used for dressage.

Coming to Bahrain from Madrid in May 2009 along with another two Andalusian stallions, Britta saw and fell in love with this young horse.

Liron has a parental line that more than proves he is himself a King among Kings. A PRE (Pura Raza Espanola) - purebred Andalusian with a full pedigree, Dad Gitano VLV111, Mum Lirona X11 and Grandad Atlantico XV.

Liron is still really only a baby at four-and-a-half-years but together, these two have worked extremely hard and this was clearly evident with Liron winning his very first dressage test two weeks ago.

Fabulously, I was privileged enough to be allowed to ride this stunning creature, and it was an amazing experience; he is wonderfully comfortable, though the tremendous power of this horse is wholly evident, but he was quiet, manageable and extremely well behaved. It was almost impossible to think that you were in fact sitting on a young stallion, speaking volumes about his trainer.

As I say, Britta and Liron are coming to compete in their second dressage event this Friday. Come along to see this magnificent animal in action.

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